What is This Blog For?

Constantly online I find myself bombarded by factual fallacies that are propagated by streams of information too narrow to properly portray an issue (That means you broadcast media).
Since constantly posting articles on facebook and the ensuing “vigorous” discussion that followed I thought it would be better to create a website that allows general debate and where I can post and summarize large amounts of articles.
I’ll allow people to post anonymously because I feel that in doing so it removes the personal tie people sometimes develop to ideas that are not factually based.

In short I think that knowledge and understanding are the best way forward. My generation has an unprecedented access to all the knowledge of the world. We have, in a sense, become technicians able to interpret the momentous amounts of information that we can gather. This blog is a place to put the best that the information services of the world have to offer (please no Reuters or Bloomberg unless it is available free on their websites or you have their permission) and to discover the best way forward.