If we don’t do anything about it, it’ll go away. Right?

by morganschapiro

Obama’s Decision to Punt Oil Pipeline Pleases Almost no One.



” In one fell swoop the President of the United States (POTUS) Barack Obama managed to infuriate Canadians and Republican U.S. politicians alike.  Those are typically mutually exclusive feats, but his decision to bow to activist pressure and shelve the development of a critical oil pipeline is drawing criticism from both sides.”

“Dubbed the Keystone XL pipeline, the pipe in question was supposed to stretch 1,700 miles across the U.S. plains, transporting process oil sands crude — a low to mid-grade crude to U.S. refineries in Texas for procesing into fuel (the initial removal of sand would occur at local facilities in Alberta).

Currently the Alberta tar sands are underutilized due to insufficient refining capacity.  Meanwhile refineries in Texas sit idle due to insufficient domestic oil supplies.  The pipeline would have remedied both problems, pumping the equivalent of 700,000 barrels a day (249.2m barrels a year) into the U.S. market. ”

“The U.S. uses 19.15m barrels/day, so the new supply would offer approximately 3.7 percent of the domestic demand.  While that may sound trivial, it would allow the U.S. to potentially entirely drop one of its more hostile sources of foreign oil, such as Venezuela (806,000 barrels/day) or Iraq (637,000 barrels/day).”

“The cost of getting all that sand out is a 10 to 30 percent emissions hike in greenhouse gases [source]… However, that emissions hike occurs largely at the extraction level, meaning that as long as Alberta finds someone to sell/ship its crude to, the emissions hit will be taken, regardless of whether that someone happens to be the U.S.  It’s unclear whether the pipelines environmentalist adversaries realize this and are just morally opposed to being involved.”

“Recent studies have shown that in the last decade global temperatures flatlined, even as greenhouse gas emission continued to rise.  Yet many environmentalists and their powerful political allies remain convinced that the long-term trend will be continued warming.  Many of these parties predict a doomsday “runaway warming” scenario, in which soaring temperature amount to mass humans deaths.

Groups like 350.org, Bill McKibben, Bold Nebraska’s Jane Kleeb, and Friends of the Earth decried the potential environmental (mostly global warming) impact of the pipeline and threatened to drop support for President Obama if the project was granted a speedyapproval.  If these groups sound familiar, they’re among those who attacked the POTUS onhis support of modern nuclear power — pressure that the President Obama caved to in the wake of Japan’s Fukushima nuclear accident.”


My big issue here is that you cannot have it both ways. You can’t claim that we should avoid nuclear energy and simultaneously complain about the use of fossil fuels, otherwise you are just maintaining the status quo, which is unacceptable. We need to begin to change the way we think. On one end we need environmentally conscious and informed consumers who demand change and vote with their dollars, on the other we need politicians and companies to do the right thing without being coerced. If we don’t, well, we’ll just be living with the consequences and have no one to blame but ourselves.

These are exactly the kind of facts the IC is here to bring to light.